For a long time, I had a consistent—and effective—morning routine. And it was simple. Write. Run. Write again. It let me feel productive, and that I was on the right path. There was, equally, a sense of fulfillment. But life is not constant or linear, and when the winds of change blow, that forces you to pivot.
Going Within

A new position in the company I work at has upended my morning routine, leaving me (temporarily, I hope) scrambling to establish a new routine. With a rotating schedule throughout the training period, no one week is alike. As I constantly adjust, that sense of fulfillment, or being on the right path, ebbs. Because the writing slows down and running becomes infrequent, which doesn’t make me feel quite like myself.
Managing through these winds of change isn’t easy, and I try to take time to go within, to embrace—when I can—stillness. It is in those moments of solitude, of absolute aloneness, when I can hear myself think. In a world where you’re expected to be ‘on’ 24/7, I have veered—or continue to try valiantly—to the other end of the spectrum. No social media. Very limited e-mail use. Notifications always off. Whenever possible…unreachable. Solitude allows me to go within, to see myself in a world I’m often at odds with, and figure out a way through the fog.
Winds of Change
As I wrote in a recent post earlier this month, “a new day is an invitation to keep going.” The winds of change may be howling all around us, or we may stumble to get back to what matters. But no matter what, we must keep going. It’s okay, more than okay, to take time to figure things out, to adjust.
Life changes disrupt routines. Give yourself the grace, as I’m learning to do, to go with the flow. To see new ways of doing things. To become comfortable with discomfort. Because with time, you figure it out, and find your way back to yourself.
And I want you to know today that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And you don’t need anyone’s permission to be—wholly and unapologetically—who you are.
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