Any of my friends will tell you that my morning time is sacred. That’s because, over the years, I’ve let them know that that time is sacred. If they want to meet up, the early morning hours are out of bounds. That’s the time I spend writing and runningؙ—a morning mindset ritual that sets me up for a positive day. If I don’t do that, then my day is off. It was a way, too, in the early days of my writing journey to make sure I wrote. Every day. So, it became an important life lesson: make time for you.
No matter where I am in the world, and no matter what is going on, I’ve learned to find stillness at some point during the day. When I am able to quiet my mind, to step away from whatever is going on—good, bad, or just okay—it helps me to remain calm and focused. It’s especially important when I need to be around other people for an extended period of time (because, as an introvert, that leaves me exhausted).
During the eleven days I spent with my partner and his brother after their mother passed away, each day I put myself first. Sometimes that meant getting up early or staying up late. Other times, I stole away to a quiet room in the house, put on my headphones, and wrote. Or I made multiple trips to the grocery store just to get some quiet time to think. When you make time for you, you gain perspective. And you can show up to be present and of service to others.
Make Time for You
We live in a time when it’s easy to always find ourselves busy. Work. Family. Friends. Our phones especially distract us with all the apps vying for our attention. With all those things pulling for our attention, it’s easy to lose track of us. That’s why you must make time for you. Living an intentional, purpose-driven life demands it. Living in pursuit of our dreams and goals requires it.
Make time for you. Nobody else can do that for you. And if you’re looking to change your life, you must create time to do the work that leads to change. It’s your life, so make sure you’re in the driver’s seat.
And, yes, I need to tell you today, if no one else has, that you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter. And, best of all, you do not need anyone’s permission to be—unapologetically—who you are.
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