This winter didn’t seem like winter. With unseasonably warm temperatures, and even breaking records, we felt spoiled. And as we roared through the early part of March, it seemed like we were gathering momentum—not just towards spring—but in life. In all that we wanted to do or were attempting to do, I noticed in the people around me that there was a sense of hopefulness and optimism. Then the rude awakening came last week when temperatures plunged, and a snowstorm reminded us of March’s fierceness. It killed our momentum.
Restarting Your Engine
While dealing with Achilles tendinitis, sudden below-zero temperatures meant I was even less motivated to get out for a run. Something about the cold snap had me wanting to stream movies on Tubi more than sit down to write and edit. I reached more for the bag of Party Mix than the fruit I’d bought. In running, writing, and making healthy food choices, the momentum had waned. And if I let it continue, I knew exactly where I was headed: nowhere fast.
It was time to restart my engine.
Maintaining Momentum
To get back on track, I needed a little pep talk. And it came from Audre Lord: “When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
Daring to be powerful, I wrote. Getting down just a few words on the page is magical because it grounds me. Writing has that restorative power that reminds me of my ‘why’ and keeps me focused on where I’m trying to go. It gets the momentum going. And the next thing I know, I’m finishing something.
Finishing something builds on that momentum. It offers reassurance in those moments when doubt lingers large and heavy that I am in fact on the right path. It is another reminder that I have heeded the call of what it is I feel compelled to do. Finishing something says, loud and clear, “I’m an artist, hear me roar!”
And that acclamation restores my belief in myself. It walks doubt and fear to the door and says, “Thanks, but you’re not welcome anymore.” Because when you believe you can, you won’t let yourself waltz with fear and doubt. No, instead you harness that power in service of your vision.
Full Speed Ahead
The forecast models show that a warm-up isn’t far away. But now I have the momentum to keep going despite what comes my way.
Do you?
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