For the past few weeks, I’ve been off course. Intentionally. Because I needed a break. I recognized that I needed time to think, to step away from everything and gain perspective. That has allowed me to stop rushing and simply—as uncomfortable as it is—move forward into the unknown. It’s been like seeing a sign that says, ‘Detour Ahead,’ and taking it. [Read more…] about Detour Ahead
Writing Life
Something to Remember
Something to Remember: Patience as Virtue
When I finally understood that things generally take longer than I liked, I was able to see the opportunity that having the patience to go slow provided. It allows me to focus on quality over quantity. And that’s important for me as an author, because I take pride in the works I put out into the public domain. I ‘obsess’ over each word. I take the time to absorb the feedback and suggestions from my editor and beta readers, and work methodically to incorporate the necessary changes. Here’s something to remember… [Read more…] about Something to Remember
I’m an introvert. My default response is to say nothing, and I know that drives a lot of people crazy. But I have always been better in silence, more comfortable on my own than surrounded by a large group of people. That being said, I’m not afraid to lead, but it’s something that takes a lot of energy out of me. So, as an introvert, I’m learning to practice the art of self-containment. [Read more…] about Self-Containment
A Gentle Reminder
Today, just be yourself.
Because you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter, and you don’t need anyone’s permission to be—unapologetically—you.
It’s Time
I know that I’m not the only one asking, what happened to 2024? It passed incredibly fast, and now we find ourselves with less than a month to a new year. It’s the perfect time reflect on what you’d set out to accomplish this year, and what you actually got done. The point is not to berate yourself, but to have an honest conversation with yourself about your intentions and your actions. Because it’s time…to cut the crap. [Read more…] about It’s Time