The great thing about life is that the lessons never stop. If you are open, life is always speaking to you. The question is…will you listen? As I ‘celebrate’ my fifty-first birthday today, I hear the whispers of life. To show up. To do the work. And to own it. Yes, you must own your life, your decisions, your circumstances. [Read more…] about Own It
writing off the grid
Stay Committed
In the age of social media and instantaneity, a lot of people are impatient for success. Despite what we know, there’s still a lot of talk about ‘overnight successes.’ The music artist that came out of nowhere. The first-time author who hit the bestseller list. The young athlete drafted into the NBA, NHL, or NFL. We know that behind every overnight success is someone who has slugged away at their craft for years (think Niecy Nash). And what got them there beyond their determination and hard work was their decision to stay committed to their goal. [Read more…] about Stay Committed
That Still Small Voice
In the run-up to my birthday last year, life was pretty good. I’d quit my job and had most of the summer off until I started my current one. I was running, writing, and doing many of the things I loved to do. Two days before my birthday, I was out for a run when, afterwards, I started to experience a dull pain in my chest. I thought I pulled a muscle and didn’t think anything of it. The pain didn’t really go away, I just ignored it. I kept running. I went kayaking. And two days after my birthday, I finally listened to that still small voice and took myself to the Urgent Care Clinic at Toronto Western Hospital. [Read more…] about That Still Small Voice
Reminder: It’s Okay to Ask for Help
When I decided back in April of this year that my life had to change—that I had to change—I was determined and focused. Even before that, I’d been making small changes to my routine, habits, and mindset that I thought would bring about change in my life. As I was dealing with a challenging work situation and fatigue, the positive changes I had made didn’t stick. I was slowly, but consistently, sliding back into the bad habits that kept me stuck in life. That was when I knew I had to ask for help. [Read more…] about Reminder: It’s Okay to Ask for Help
Reminder: Be Yourself
I like quiet. And solitude. And when you work in an environment surrounded by extroverts, that gets a lot of raised eyebrows. I don’t participate in the idle chitchat that often transcends into gossip. Over the years, I’ve discovered that the best thing to do—for me—is to keep to myself. That makes me self-contained. It doesn’t matter what others think or say. And that brings me to this reminder: be yourself. [Read more…] about Reminder: Be Yourself