Over the years, I’ve read many books on productivity and focus. Because I’ve felt like I’ve struggled with both—to remain consistently productive and to stay focused on the task at hand. While some of the advice and tips have been helpful, a lot come across as aloof or unrealistic when you’re trying, like I’ve been, to achieve a goal while working a day job. And in a public-facing role like mine, I have little control over how I spend my time. Consequently, that leaves me with just a few hours to work on my passion projects—and I end up, inadvertently or not, in the productivity trap. [Read more…] about The Productivity Trap
writing life
Chasing Productivity
As a kid, I thumbed my nose at a lot of things that society told me, as a boy, I should like. I didn’t like model cars, baseball, hockey, basketball or soccer. I hated Cubs and Beavers. My parents signed me up for baseball and basketball. After two seasons of me feeling ‘ill’ or purposely striking out so I’d be benched, they got the message. I found my footing in music, baking/cooking and writing—anything that kept me away from a team setting.
Because I’m more introverted than extroverted. I didn’t understand why, as a kid, being around other people left me exhausted.
But as I leaned more into my writing, and understood more about my introversion, I became interested in how to be more focused and increase productivity. [Read more…] about Chasing Productivity
The Art of Not Giving Up
When you see someone else achieve their goal and you hear their story, it sometimes (not always) seems like they did it effortlessly. Because you don’t see the long hours of practice the swimmer put in the pool so that she stood in first place on the Olympic podium. You don’t see the writer getting up early, staying up late, or writing on their lunch break to write the book that goes on to hit all the bestseller lists. What we don’t see is that they’ve perfected the art of not giving up. [Read more…] about The Art of Not Giving Up
Up the Ante
Good or bad, I’ve never been one to follow the crowd. And at different times throughout my life, that has earned me a reputation as a rebel, rulebreaker, or loner. Some just called me stubborn. But when it comes to success (however you define it) and actually getting done the things you set out to do, following the crowd can potentially hold us back. We have to be able to recognize when it’s time to up the ante.
Let me put it this way. I’ve learned that sometimes it is necessary to step outside of the norm and, in the most polite of ways—or sometimes not—flip the bird at those expectations others tried to set for me. [Read more…] about Up the Ante
Leave Your Baggage Behind
Routines are great. It’s because of a great morning routine, modified slightly over the years due to changing day jobs, that I’ve managed to write as much as I have. But even when a routine is good, you can get stuck in a rut. And you might not even realize it. Why? Because you haven’t been able to leave your baggage behind.
Life on the Other Side of Social Media
When I was on social media, I tried to create and share content that was not only engaging, but hopefully inspiring as well. I had spent a good part of my life trying to outrun the doubt implanted in my mindset as a kid. My first foray into the arts was through music, and when I thought [briefly] about the idea of a music career, my mother was totally against it. As far as she was concerned, and she was very vocal about this, all musicians were ‘drunks and druggies.’ That was not the future she hoped for her son. [Read more…] about Leave Your Baggage Behind