This year has been about living my best life — doing what I love and staying focused on what matters. It challenged me to push myself beyond what I thought I was capable of and step outside of my comfort zone, when going dark and off the grid was what I often craved.
The Struggle and the Prize
It wasn’t always easy. There were times when writing Broken Man Broke almost ‘broke’ me. Training for the Toronto Waterfront Marathon, I didn’t always feel like running — especially when it rained or when the temperatures soared to 40°C. Some days, trying to be the best version of myself meant fending off the doubt and negativity that battled for dominion. But I didn’t give up, wouldn’t be beaten. I kept my eye on the prize and pushed on to live the life I imagined for myself.
Going Dark
I often don’t give myself enough credit, but I accomplished a lot in 2019. And while the year is not over, as of 30 November I’ll be signing off until January. No more blog posts. No more weekly newsletters. And a much-needed timeout from social media. December will be my month of self-care, and a reprieve from the craziness of the holiday season.
Before going dark, I do want to say thank you for being a part of my journey, and for sticking with me on this list. I wouldn’t be where I am without you, and for that I am truly grateful.
What’s your biggest accomplishment in 2019? Click Reply to let me know. I love hearing from you.
See you in January!
PS: If you entered the November Giveaway, check here on 2 December for the winner. The next giveaway will start 1 January 2020.
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