I published my first blog post back in June 2009, and one theme that has resurfaced several times over the years is the idea of rest. Even though I know I should take a break — let my body rest — I don’t do it often enough. There are too many projects I want to finish (publish my third book this fall, get back to writing a new series, etc.), and between work and other life responsibilities it doesn’t always seem like there’s enough time to do it all.
So, I’m going to take a little time out. For the next two weeks, I’m going to share some of my most popular posts. Hope you enjoy them!
Changing the Script: On Writing and Sobriety
On 17 January 2018, I stopped drinking. Not because I was being pressured to. Not because I didn’t know my limit. Not because alcohol was ravaging my life. I gave it up because, like Oprah Winfrey, I had an ‘aha’ moment. Reading Winfrey’s The Wisdom of Sundays and Russ Perry’s The Sober Entrepreneur created so many aha moments that I thought I was going to suffer some type of breakdown. I couldn’t keep up with the big life questions being thrown at me. Then I ended up frustrated because I couldn’t hear the answers. [Read more…] about Best of An Unscripted Life of Words (Part I)